

WE ARE UNBREAKABLE - Raw, Real Stories of Resilience from Caregivers Across Nova Scotia

What does it means to be a caregiver? And who are the caregivers in our communities? Who do they care for? This second collection of authentic and inspiring personal stories will explore the various roles, responsibilities and experiences of caregivers - stories seldom shared and often untold.

If you would like to submit your story, please consider the details below:


Here at Black Box Publishing House, we are interested in women's literature of all shapes and sizes; the telling of stories by, for and about women.
We recognize the role we play in creating space for new and  underrepresented voices in publishing and we encourage submissions from racialized and marginalized writers. 
We carefully consider all manuscripts submitted and will confirm receipt of your submission.
When making a submission, please include in ONE DOCUMENT/ ATTACHMENT:1) a cover letter that describes your book, why you wrote, how it meets our mandate (women's lit), and the total word count 2) a sample of the first three to four chapters. 
If we are interested in seeing more, you will hear from us.
Submissions can sent in digital form to us via email.